Kaidi Põldoja is an architect and a team lead of the Spatial Design Competence Centre

In this series, we introduce the people behind the B.Green project. Now we would like to introduce Architect Kaidi Põldoja, a team lead of the Spatial Design Competence Centre of the Strategic Management Office. Kaidi, what topics are you working with at Tallinn Strategic Management Office and what kind of expertise do you bring into … Read more

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.

Heidi Tuhkanen is excited to work with the B.Green core themes: urban nature, urban planning, and participation

In this series, we introduce the people behind the B.Green project. Now we would like to introduce Senior Expert Heidi Tuhkanen from SEI. She is specialised in climate adaptation, disaster risk reduction work in the urban context. Heidi, what topics are you working with in your organisation, and what kind of expertise do you bring … Read more

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.

Anna Semjonova is specialised in large scale city plans and works with city-wide spatial visions

In this series, we introduce the people behind the B.Green project. Now we would like to introduce Anna Semjonova, a geographer and urban planner from Tallinn Strategic Management Office. Anna, what topics are you working with in your organisation and what kind of expertise do you bring into the B.Green project I am a geographer … Read more

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.

Lauri Lemmenlehti is specialised in virtualisation of natural aspects in cities.

B.Green is carried out in Tallinn and Helsinki by three project partners – Forum Virium Helsinki, Tallinn Strategic Management Office and Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre. In this series, we’ll introduce the people behind the project. In B.Green project Lauri Lemmenlehti has been working with with both, Forum Virium Helsinki and the City of Helsinki. … Read more

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.

Ivo Arro focuses on urban visions and enjoys design competitions

B.Green is carried out in Tallinn and Helsinki by three project partners – Forum Virium Helsinki, Tallinn Strategic Management Office and Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre. In this series, we’ll introduce the people behind the project. Ivo Arro is an Architect and Urban Planner working in Tallinn Strategic Management Office. Ivo, what topics are you … Read more

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.

Welcome to join B.Green Final Event on 2.9.2022

You are warmly invited to join the B.Green Final Event on 2 September 2022 at 13.00–15.30 EET (12.00–14.30 CET). During the online event, we will share the latest insights from Helsinki and Tallinn regarding urban planning and green infrastructure. Furthermore, insightful discussions will be hosted in order to deep dive into the current initiatives, practical implications and future visions. … Read more

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.

Mette Hiltunen focuses on resident engagement and co-creation with stakeholders

B.Green is carried out in Tallinn and Helsinki by three project partners – Forum Virium Helsinki, Tallinn Strategic Management Office and Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre. In this series, we’ll introduce the people behind the project. Mette Hiltunen works as a Project Manager at Forum Virium Helsinki and is responsible for B.Green’s communications while also … Read more

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.

Haku nopeille kokeiluille: tutustu Urban Green Exploreriin

Keväällä 2022 B.Green-projekti haki avoimella kokeiluhaulla helppokäyttöistä vehreän kaupunkiympäristön opastusratkaisua Sompasaareen. Forum Virium Helsingin koordinoima B.Green-projekti etsi kokeiltavaksi mobiililaitteella toimivaa alustaa, joka esittelee Sompasaaressa jo toteutettuja tai tulevaisuudessa toteutettavia vihreän infrastruktuurin ratkaisuja ja niihin liittyviä digitaalisia palveluita kaupunkilaisille. B.Green hankkii 1-2 kokeilua, joiden arvo on korkeintaan 20 000 euroa (alv 0%). Valitut kokeilut toteutetaan Sompasaaressa … Read more

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.

Silja Peltonen from Forum Virium Helsinki leads the B.Green project consortium

B.Green is carried out in Tallinn and Helsinki by three project partners – Forum Virium Helsinki, Tallinn Strategic Management Office and Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre. In this series, we’ll introduce the people behind the project. Silja Peltonen works as a Project Portfolio Manager at lead partner Forum Virium Helsinki and is responsible for the … Read more

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.

B.Green is managed by Piret Kuldna at SEI Tallinn

B.Green is carried out in Tallinn and Helsinki by three project partners – Forum Virium Helsinki, Tallinn Strategic Management Office and Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre. In this series, we’ll introduce the people behind the project. Piret Kuldna is a Senior Expert working as B.Green’s Project Manager at SEI Tallinn. Piret, tell us a little … Read more

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.

Installation competition ‘Place Buzz’ will bring environmentally sensitive public art to the Pollinator Highway

Tallinn Strategic Centre announced the installation competition ‘Place Buzz’ with the aim to enrich the Pollinator Highway with environmentally sensitive public art. Anyone involved in the field of art, architecture or urban studies is welcome to participate. The competition aims at finding innovative location-specific, environmentally sensitive and community-engaging contemporary installations which are art works or … Read more

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.

Mai Andresson coordinates B.Green in Tallinn

B.Green is carried out in Tallinn and Helsinki by three project partners – Forum Virium Helsinki, Tallinn Strategic Management Office and Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre. In this series, we’ll introduce the people behind the project. First up is Mai Andresson who coordinates B.Green at Tallinn Strategic Management Office. Mai, what topics are you working … Read more

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.

Video games help planners to design better urban green spaces

Game engine technologies used in video games allow planners to model the future of natural environments. These technologies are used in the planning of Kalasatama district. Northern Kalasatama is being planned in a unique way, with the area’s urban planning team being assisted by technical expert Lauri Lemmenlehti from the B.Green project. To help with … Read more

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.

Two pilots selected to map urban plant life in Kalasatama

B.Green launched an open call for new solutions to map urban plant life in October. Companies xD Visuals and Granlund were selected by the expert jury to carry out agile pilots in Kalasatama between November and January. Together with the City of Helsinki, B.Green project aims at finding new ways to collect and manage natural … Read more

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.

From Grey to Green: Nature and Cities are not Polar Opposites

The Pollinator Highway passes through nine distinctive panel housing areas and train depots, starting from an urban forest area and ending in a garden city, from a species-rich alvar to various industrial areas, all the while connecting Tallinn’s most distant parts to the heart of the city – the total length of the journey is … Read more

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.

Open Call for Pilots: Green Urban Mapping

How would you map urban plant life? Offer your solution! B.Green project launches an open call seeking innovative solutions to map urban plant life. The call for pilots is open 1 October – 24 October. The piloting costs will be covered up to €10.000 (VAT 0%) for the two best solutions. The maximum total cost … Read more

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.

From Grey to Green: The Pollinator Highway as an Innovative Concept for Bringing Nature Back to the City

The Pollinator Highway of Tallinn is the capital’s green habitat. The name ‘Pollinator Highway’ refers to the fact that pollinators such as butterflies, bumblebees and honeybees as well as other animal groups use this natural space to move from one green area to the next. Human beings have an intrinsic need to spend time in … Read more

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.

Miltä näyttää tulevaisuuden Sompasaari? Tule kokeilemaan Green Kalasatama -sovellusta Loviseholminpuistoon!

Sompasaaressa kokeillaan syyskuussa lisättyä todellisuutta hyödyntävää Green Kalasatama -mobiilisovellusta, jonka avulla kaupunkilaiset voivat tutkia rakentamisvaiheessa olevan Loviseholminpuiston suunnitelmaa ja lisätä ympäristöön virtuaalisia puita. Kokeilun tavoitteena on tarjota tietoa alueen ajankohtaisista suunnitelmista ja kutsua asukkaat visioimaan tulevaisuuden kaupunkivihreää. Haemme nyt Kalasataman ja sen lähialueiden asukkaita osallistumaan pilottiin. Kokeiluun voi osallistua kuka vain, mutta alle 13-vuotiailta pyydetään … Read more

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.

B.Green builds greener Helsinki

B.Green project pilots new digital tools and miniparks for newly built neighbourhoods to support the work of urban planners in Helsinki’s Kalasatama. Kalasatama is one of Helsinki’s new and more densely built residential districts. Solutions for new urban green infrastructure are piloted by B.Green in Kalasatama’s sub-area Sompasaari. “When the city becomes denser, simply designating … Read more

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.

How to leverage the power of digital participatory tools in urban planning

Stakeholder engagement is crucial in sustainable urban planning, but the COVID-19 pandemic has made it challenging, as traditional participatory methods can pose a health risk to those involved. This has raised questions over the extent to which digital tools and platforms can bridge the gap, and what else practitioners need to be aware of when … Read more

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.