Lauri Lemmenlehti is specialised in virtualisation of natural aspects in cities.

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B.Green is carried out in Tallinn and Helsinki by three project partners – Forum Virium Helsinki, Tallinn Strategic Management Office and Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre. In this series, we’ll introduce the people behind the project. In B.Green project Lauri Lemmenlehti has been working with with both, Forum Virium Helsinki and the City of Helsinki.

Lauri, what topics did you work with and what kind of expertise did you bring to the B.Green project?

I am a landscape architect and I have specialised in the virtualisation of natural environment aspects in cities. I was working in the B.Green project at the Kalasatama urban planning team, where the new developing parts of Kalasatama are planned. In my work I mainly concentrated on implementing green infrastructure to the plans and to create well networked green areas.

What have been the most important learning points for you during the project?

I have been surprised how many fields of professionals are affecting the planning process. The organisational and legal structures are slow to move and successful planning is a long-term game. Good quality and green network creation in the urban environment is much dependent on understanding the decision-making processes and legal frames.

Which B.Green activities are you the most excited about?

I am happy that we have been able to combine green urbanism with cutting edge digital tools like mapping urban greenery with Augmented Reality controlled drones or creating an initial local plant life 3D model library for the city.

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.