
B.Green model is developed and tested in local pilot projects that explore and demonstrate the possibilities of green infrastructure in urban environments.

Pilot site in Helsinki

Kalasatama is a former industrial and harbour area currently transformed into a neighbourhood for 25 000 people by the end of 2030s. B.Green focuses especially on the virtualisation and 3D modelling of the new areas in northern Kalasatama in order to support the planning and implementation of green infrastructure solutions already at an early stage of the planning process. In addition to developing virtual models and tools, agile pilots are run in Kalasatama’s Sompasaari neighbourhood to demonstrate and communicate the benefits of urban nature to residents and other stakeholders.

Local activities are coordinated by the City of Helsinki innovation company Forum Virium Helsinki.

In collaboration with: City of Helsinki Länsisatama-Kalasatama urban planning team, Environmental services and Kalasatama-Pasila tramway alliance.

Agile Pilots for Green Urban Mapping

Open call seeking innovative solutions to map urban plant life was launched in October 2021. Two pilots will explore the possibilities for residents to collect plant life data of their living environments while transforming the data into a form that supports decision-making of urban planners and deepens the City’s understanding of the state of urban vegetation. Pilots are carried out in the winter 2021-2022.

Modelling Northern Kalasatama

B.Green supports the ongoing planning of Hermanninranta in northern Kalasatama by testing new tools and working methods for developing a dynamic 3D model of the area. With game engine and real-time rendering technologies, the model allows early examination of different options for green infrastructure solutions. It can also be used for communicating the urban plan for both planning professionals and residents. The work complements the City of Helsinki 3D model.

Smart & Clean Tram Stop Concept

Digital concepts for urban nature are demonstrated in the Smart & Clean Tram Stop pilot that aims to combine grey and green infrastructure in the context of urban mobility. Joining forces with the ongoing Kalasatama-Pasila tramway project alliance, the tram stop concept is developed through co-creative design sprints with experts from different fields. The concept is piloted in Kalasatama with an open agile piloting process during 2021-2022.

Plant Library

3D plant libraries are the cornerstone of virtualising natural environment. With properly modelled plant life at different seasonal conditions and stages of growth, dynamically changing natural environment and its qualities can be demonstrated and better communicated to various target groups. B.Green commissions and develops a library of local, northern plant species to be utilised in virtual models of Kalasatama and Tallinn’s allotment garden.

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.