Silja Peltonen from Forum Virium Helsinki leads the B.Green project consortium

2 min

B.Green is carried out in Tallinn and Helsinki by three project partners – Forum Virium Helsinki, Tallinn Strategic Management Office and Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre. In this series, we’ll introduce the people behind the project. Silja Peltonen works as a Project Portfolio Manager at lead partner Forum Virium Helsinki and is responsible for the overall coordination of B.Green.

Silja, what topics are you working with at Forum Virium Helsinki and what kind of expertise do you bring into the B.Green project?

I have worked in Forum Virium for 13 years and have a strong background in project management. I have good experience in collaborating with companies and research organisations in order to co-create new solutions together with the City of Helsinki departments and residents. As Forum Virium Helsinki works together with the whole City of Helsinki organisation, I have had the pleasure to pilot innovative digital technologies and services in several inspiring themes with many different departments of the City. We have been testing solutions for elderly to live longer at home, AR-education tools in schools and mobility solutions (navigation for cleaner air and more socially sustainable driving routes) to name a few.

What have been the most important learning points for you during the project?

I have always been fond of nature. I grew up in the countryside by the lake and forest so I appreciate the greenery in the urban landscape as well. B.Green consortium has impressive knowledge of green infrastructure. I have learned a lot of the benefits of Nature-Based Solutions in the urban environment.

Which B.Green activities are you the most excited about?

In Helsinki we have a long history of allotment gardens. I feel proud to follow how Tallinn has been building their very first allotment garden as a part of B.Green. Our digital plant library also provides many new opportunities when creating 3D models of new green infrastructure plans.


Read more about the B.Green team:
Mai Andresson, Tallinn Strategic Management Office
Piret Kuldna, SEI Tallinn

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.