B.Green is managed by Piret Kuldna at SEI Tallinn

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B.Green is carried out in Tallinn and Helsinki by three project partners – Forum Virium Helsinki, Tallinn Strategic Management Office and Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre. In this series, we’ll introduce the people behind the project. Piret Kuldna is a Senior Expert working as B.Green’s Project Manager at SEI Tallinn.

Piret, tell us a little about your background?

I work in the environmental management programme of the Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre. Urban sustainability (including green infrastructure and nature-based solutions), as well as climate change adaptation issues, have been the key themes in several of our projects.

What are the most interesting or exciting aspects of B.Green from your perspective?

In B.Green, it has been a pleasure to learn about the many opportunities that digital tools offer in participatory urban planning. I’m excited to see how the Pollinator Highway and Kalasatama district will look like in a few years when the initiatives launched by the B.Green project have made an impact.


Read more about the B.Green team:
Mai Andresson, Tallinn Strategic Management Office
Silja Peltonen, Forum Virium Helsinki

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.