Ivo Arro focuses on urban visions and enjoys design competitions

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B.Green is carried out in Tallinn and Helsinki by three project partners – Forum Virium Helsinki, Tallinn Strategic Management Office and Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre. In this series, we’ll introduce the people behind the project. Ivo Arro is an Architect and Urban Planner working in Tallinn Strategic Management Office.

Ivo, what topics are you working with in your organisation and what kind of expertise do you bring into the B.Green project?

I am an architect and urban planner at Tallinn Strategic Management Office. My expertise is working on urban visions. I have also experience in organising architecture and design competitions.

What have been the most important learning points for you during the project?

I am excited about the international cooperation and getting to know the inner workings of B.Green.

Which B.Green activities are you the most excited about?

I am very excited to see the results of the Pollinator Highway art competition that will be visible in September. Particularly, how is the Pollinator Highway perceived by the artists and what kind of innovative ideas they come up with to enrich the parts of Pollinator Highway that have so far received very little attention, and would enforce its importance. 

B.Green – Baltic Green Urban Infrastructure Planning is co-funded by Interreg Central Baltic Programme 01.02.2020 – 31.12.2022.